Shod bo potekal v nedeljo, 2. junija 2024, ob 11:00-12:00 na Prešernovem trgu. Zbrali se bomo ob 10:00 na parkirišču v Tivoliju in se od tam sprehodili do lokacije shoda. S tablami za pravice živali, majicami NARD in transparentom ‘Naš planet je tudi njihov.’ / ‘Our planet, theirs too.’ se bomo pridružili več kot 150 mestom po celem svetu, v katerih bomo ta dan imeli pogrebno slovesnost za vse milijarde živali, ki so v preteklem letu izgubile življenje zaradi prehrambene industrije.
Shod bo miren, tih in žalujoč, podoben slovesnosti na pogrebih. Namesto nas bodo govorili napisi na tablah s slikami živali iz hlevov, klavnic, kletk in mrež, laboratorijev in cirkusov. Napisi bodo v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Prebrali bomo deklaracijo pravic živali v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku, pod katero se bodo na koncu shoda lahko podpisali vsi sodelujoči in mimoidoči podporniki. Vsak od nas bo dodal tudi elektronski podpis in se s tem podpisal pod svetovno deklaracijo. Mimoidočim bomo delili informativne letake.
Po shodu bo od 13:00 dalje potekal Veganski piknik v Tivoliju, ki bo nasprotje pogrebne slovesnosti, saj je namenjen druženju aktivistov s shoda, preizkušanju okusne veganske hrane in pozitivni vzpodbudi k odločitvi za veganstvo. Na voljo bodo informativni letaki, mesto za prijavo na Veganski izziv in mize za veganske dobrote.
Če si pripravljen/a sodelovati na shodu, se nam javi preko spodnjega obrazca.
Podatki so namenjeni organizaciji shoda in za morebiten kontakt na dan dogodka.
Vsak sodelujoči dobi majico NARD, ki jo lahko po shodu obdrži. Tiste, ki majice NARD že imate iz let 2022 ali 2023, spodbujamo, da le te uporabite tudi tokrat.
Na pikniku bomo zbirali prostovoljne prispevke za kritje stroškov izvedbe shoda in naše nadaljnje delo za živali.
Slovensko vegansko društvo /
N.A.R.D. /
National Animal Rights Day 2024 – Ljubljana
The rally will take place on Sunday, June 2, 2024, at 11:00-12:00 on Prešeren Square. We will gather at 10:00 a.m. at the parking lot in Tivoli and walk from there to the rally location. With animal rights signs, NARD t-shirts and the banner ‘Our planet, theirs too.’ we will join more than 150 cities around the world in which on this day a funeral ceremony for all the billions of animals that have lost their lives to the food industry in the past year will be held.
The rally will be peaceful, quiet and mournful, similar to a funeral ceremony. The signs on the boards with pictures of animals from stables, slaughterhouses, cages, nets, laboratories and circuses will speak for us. The signs will be in Slovenian and English. We will read the declaration of animal rights in Slovenian and English, which all participating and passing supporters will be able to sign at the end of the rally. Each of us will also add an electronic signature and with it sign the global declaration. We will hand out information leaflets to passers-by.
After the rally, a Vegan Picnic will be held in Tivoli from 1:00 p.m., which will be the opposite of the funeral ceremony, as it is intended for activists from the rally to socialize, share delicious vegan food and provide positive encouragement for the decision to become vegan. There will be information leaflets, a place to sign up for the Vegan Challenge and tables for vegan goodies.
If you are ready to participate in the rally, contact us using the form below.
The information is intended for the organization of the meeting and for possible contact on the day of the event.
Each participant will get a NARD T-shirt, which they will be able to keep after the event. For those of you who already have a 2022 or 2023 NARD T-shirt, we encourage you to use it again this year.
At the picnic, we will collect voluntary contributions to cover the costs of the rally and our continued work for animals.
Welcome to NARD 14!
Slovenian Vegan Society /
N.A.R.D. /